Saturday, October 12, 2013

september in snapshots

it's been i tend to say often once school begins...

so let's catch you up in pictures! 

i walked the brooklyn bridge for the first time

little windy, but a stunning view

i drove up to who-knows-where-connecticut... sneak in a brunch with one of my best friends!

one day i had some extra time before my train left the station

go red bulls!! (that's the NYC soccer team fyi)

went on a short hike in devil's den

and slowly, but surely, it turned into fall

the idyllic fall day ~ blue skies and fiery leaves

This September was like others ~ busy, beautiful, new, and bursting with energy! I've met and gotten to know my 5th graders, teaching them about the Romans and sentence structure. Explored Brooklyn and more of New York. Started my French class in Greenwich. Quickly started drinking multiple cups of coffee every day. Watched the leaves start to turn and finally caved & bought a winter coat. Started dreaming of spring break. Had a few pumpkin spice lattes. & filled up October with friends and family!


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