Sunday, October 13, 2013

5th grade trip to the berkshires

 i survived my first chaperone trip! 
the whole fifth grade went up to an outdoor camp in the berkshires for two days and one night

disclaimer: you may as well accept that you will not sleep when you're in charge of 8 girls in a cabin with no electricity

here are some of my girls, post-rock climbing. a few got to the top of the rock wall, which was really cool! we got to the camp in the morning, had lunch, and then split into groups for various activities. we went canoeing first, then rock climbing, and finished off the afternoon with a long hike.

an incredible sunset over the lake - we were able to watch the sky turn bright pink while we ate dinner

the boys liked running ahead

we saw a beaver!!

the cabins were freezing at night, but we all had such a good time it was completely worth it!


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