Monday, October 14, 2013

leaf-peeping in Peacham

What a wonderful long weekend in Vermont! One of my oldest & best friends, Katie, flew into Hartford, CT and together we made the stunning drive north to VT. Her grandparents live in Peacham, which is pretty close to the canadian boarder. Good thing my passport is safe in New Canaan, or else I'd have called in sick & headed over that line! Itching to get to Montreal & Quebec, speak & hear some French, and reminisce on my time in Europe. Sorry, anyways! New England! 

our lovely home for the weekend - can you believe it?! Built in 1802!
Her grandparents live in a charming old house right in town, slanted floors & 19th century door latches included! They moved here about 12 years ago, so they know all the shortcuts & secret views & places to eat. And of course, all the town gossip! Peacham was settled in 1776 (!!), and the town church bells ring every hour. It's such a  charming town, and the perfect introduction to Vermont. 

the town hall - yes, it's got a mailbox & everything

those. red. barns.
We arrived Friday night just in time for dinner, and for dessert ~ vanilla ice cream with Vermont maple syrup! After a brief walk up to the old cemetery on Saturday morning, we all jumped in the car to make a pit stop for lunch in New Hampshire. The drive was long, beautiful, and I've now added two states to the books! (only five left to conquer!) Saturday night we had a big 'ole farm party to attend, friends of the fam in East Hardwick. They own & run a big dairy farm, and of course my favorite part was the calf barn. There are about 900 cows, and 700 are milking. Some of their milk goes to Chobani, yum!

how adorable.

this lil nugget was born that day!

the teens saying hi
Sunday was yet another gorgeous day - blue skies, yellow leaves, green fields, and crisp fall air. While her grandparents were at church, Katie and I drove back to the farm to join the family on a walk around their new property. We all piled in a couple cars, and I took my Jetta semi-off-roading before we abandoned her on the edge of a cornfield! 

that's her in the corner

check out this VIEW! beyond are the green mountains of vermont
We walked through a few cornfields, stepping over the chopped stalks. Then weaved through christmas trees, which smelled fantastic, before hitting the top of the "hill". The view was incredible! We could see their farm from the top, as well as the Green Mountains in one direction and the White Mountains of New Hampshire. 

We came back to Peacham for lunch, and then went on a lovely walk through the old cemetery later in the eve for some more pictures & views out of a postcard. Oh! And we took a little drive over to a covered bridge! There used to be a settlement around the bridge, the grist mill and saw mill kept 'em all busy.

katie & her gparents :) 
We finished out Sunday with another lovely dinner, and the Pats game (what a finish!). This morning was the perfect finish to a weekend. We joined Katie's grandfather on his morning walk up the big hill, and were rewarded with more incredible views as well as a few stolen apples, cold and crisp. 

fall perfection

a sugaring shack

the charming town of peacham


New phrases: 
"a dying duck in a thunderstorm" (for when you're not lookin' too hot) 
"the men all dried out there" (sober yourself up sir)
"hotter than the hammers of hell" (take a guess - it's really, really hot)

Quel week-end! Can't wait to get back up into the depths of New England, perhaps in the spring. Maine is next!

bises xo

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