Wednesday, November 28, 2012

& so begins the christmas season


        Christmas has arrived in NC in the form of lights & garlands downtown, snow sprinklings, holiday songs during chorus, peppermint mochas, marshmallows & hot cocoa, and a secret Santa exchange among apprentices!

        Today was Parent Visiting Day, so we had at least 20 parents in and out of the classroom all day. It was hectic, a bit stressful, but insightful seeing all the kids interact with their parents in school. Looking forward to two "normal" school days & then NYC this weekend!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

an american thanksgiving

This time last year I was celebrating an American Thanksgiving in France...joined by a few French & Scottish friends! It was wonderful being back in the US for my absolute favorite holiday of the year - and although I didn't get home to Chicago - I was lucky enough to spend the holiday with friends in NC and family in DC.

most of the apprentice thanksgiving spread! (and everyone around the table instagramming it)

country roads on my drive south

Georgetown! it's still fall down in DC


lots of fun ice skating! (but missing one Goodwin gal)

cozy around the fireplace

O&G <3

I'm so thankful for the time I've been able to spend with the Goodwin side of my family, and am really looking forward to seeing more of the Woods over Christmas!

Also on my thankful for list...

the christmas lights up in NC
my family
arts assemblies in lower school
katie o's upcoming visit
NYE with KKG in DC
a wonderful job at a fantastic school
my lead teacher
amazing friends i've made here
those 8 months in europe
my 18 kids
the 6am bootcamp class i did this morning
christmas in nyc
new england
my trip to boston
& my really cozy bed


Sunday, November 11, 2012

november snowfall

swinging through right after Sandy, my first "nor'easter"!
the snow was absolutely stunning & i realized it had been nearly 2 years since i had been in 
a true blizzard
the whole town, and especially near the school, looked like a winter wonderland

Monday, November 5, 2012

the heart of new england...

I've always wanted to go, figured I'd love its history & that it was on the water
We left Wednesday afternoon & stayed 'till Saturday eve

& after about 3 days I think I want to move there, or at least spend several years soaking up the life of the city.

boston bound!

the commons

follow the red brick path

love how you can see how much the city has grown in this shot

chowder & lobster roll - YUM

Mr. Revere's house

inside the old north church - love the family pews

nccs in beantown

yes, i could live here

then we spent a day up in salem (witches galore)

and kept north for newburyport!

cute town that reminded me of the UK

clapboard houses...

roadtrips are always wonderful, but made even more so with great friends :)

Boston, I'll be returning for your Christmas festivities...and then maybe for an apartment?
