Saturday, May 11, 2013

american country living

had a wonderful getaway to rural pennsylvania a few weekends ago - complete with a few stops on the road & new people & country adventures!

m & i left right after school on friday, and did the 4 hour drive to annville, pa in a fabulous mix of lightning, thunderstorms, and darkness. we stopped in scranton, to get a driving tour of where she went to college. reminded me of denison, and my own college days in middle-of-nowhere ohio :)

saturday was chalk-full of activities: breakfast at a nearby diner of baked berry oatmeal (delicious), then off to partake in a distinctly rural american activity - shooting. a friend of a friend of a friend owns a few guns, and was happy enough to give us some lessons and let us shoot at a target in a field. on yes, mcdonald's farm. not even kidding - that was the name of the place. it was wonderful, driving a huge truck across fields and through a muddy stream. the whole time i'm thinking, this is what people actually do?! shooting was actually a blast, regardless of political leanings and such. being outside, doing something different, in a new just revitalizes me.

we also visited a nearby brewery for lunch, right near hershey park (no, didn't make it to the chocolate time). delicious beer flights and a great pulled pork sandwich...pretty classy stuff for rural pa ;)

the week after was full of work: fractions, mexico planning, wrapping up our black history unit & trying to figure out my summer. i've found a couple fantastic coffee shops within 15/20 minutes from home, so i've pinned those as my need-to-be-productive locations. had a wonderful dinner & work session with a friend one evening (goat cheese, arugula & caramelized onion pizza!) & a byob pottery-making ladies night!

sam summer & creative pizzas

pre-baking    "" utensil jar

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