Monday, April 15, 2013

a spring clean

        As the weather starts to warm up, and the sun begins to stay out I'm struck with a need to catch up & get down to work before the summer weather hits. Maybe it's the annual fervor of a school year wrapping up, but spring tends to launch me forward...thinking of the summer and reflecting on how this year has gone and thinking back on where I was a year ago. Soon, I won't be able to say "ohh this time last year I was ____ in France/the UK/Italy..etc" When will I go back? Where will I go after this second year in New Canaan? Where do I want to be? What do I want to do? These are the thoughts I'm launching into...but before I can go forward I have to go back, even if it's just a summary

     Spring break was a struggle getting to, and once it arrived it was incredibly apparent how much we all needed a break. I immediately flew south, to Florida. Left my computer up north, and managed to mostly de-tech for five days. Fantastic. Time with grandparents, with myself, the beach, sailing, great dinners & drinks & time reading. A true vacation.

out on the docks



beaches & sun & paris

cocktail hour

black & whites are best

quite the strong sand castle
& then back north it was - to greet my best scottish friend in NYC! The adventures that ensured were...adventures..but we had a blast seeing NYC and CT and Boston. Here are some snapshots of her trip here!

view from the Top of the Rock!

flowers on the high line

paintings along the high line

Kicks v Celtics!

in Boston!

France reunions in NYC are da best

obligatory delicious cup of chowder

        Two weeks off made it difficult for everyone to get back into the swing of things at school, but we're already three weeks into the final push! I'm teaching fractions & decimals for the next couple weeks, then leaping into a 6 week unit on Mexican culture & immigration with the two other third grade apprentices...and then - DONE!

happy spring cleaning everyone :)
