Wednesday, February 20, 2013

happy galentines day!

you know how last year i was valentines-ing it up in france? asia & i did a fun little photoshoot, had a relaxing day filled with french wine & baked treats...and it was perfection.

well, turns out having 18 little valentines is pretty fantastic too :) 
kids finally finished their february book reports - hence the wall full of adorable bears

we made valentine "mailboxes" the day before, so as they arrived at school the kids crowded around bags to mail their valentines & get sneak peeks into their own mailbox

beautiful day to celebrate love :)

my own mailbox


the rest of vday was spent with great friends - toasting to us, being young, being single & living the fabulous lives we do

champagne & raspberries!


 ~ a happy (belated) valentines to you all ~ 


Sunday, February 17, 2013

a real nor'easter


nemo was fabulous, a pain perhaps in some ways, but it spurred me to get over to waveny park in new canaan with a few friends
here are some pics of our snowventures!

mountain in the middle of town

gorgeous connecticut tundra

denison does nemo!

B & I

the sledding hill

Saturday, February 9, 2013

finding nemo out east

a snowy compound

now THIS is winter
cars have been shoveled and plowed out, gloves thoroughly soaked through, a trek into town for 
bagels, hot tea & plans for sledding
brings me back to days in evanston - building igloos and snow forts with family & friends, broomball on a make-shift ice rinks, "glaciers" on the lake, sledding at the paddle courts, and hot chocolate with mini marshmallows

with a february birthday i've always had a soft spot for winter, and days like these remind me why
here's to a new england winter! :)