Wednesday, October 31, 2012

finally - northbound!

Sandy came & went, and although the news reports for most of the eastern seaboard are devastating - our apprentice "compound" got lucky. we've had power the whole time, no damage to cars or houses... we withstood the hurricane (and had a bit of fun with it).

we haven't had school this whole week because about 80% of new canaan is without power, and we just found out it won't resume until monday

the spontaneous, adventuresome part of me is leaping & dancing because what else does this call for than a ROADTRIP! :)

i am so lucky to work with & be friends with people that are completely with me...and within minutes we all decided to road trip up to BOSTON for the long weekend!! 
new town, new friends, another chance to explore?? 
i can't contain my excitement!

will update with pictures & stories throughout the weekend


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sleeping Giant

You've got to appreciate teaching even more when you get 3 1/2 day weekends...and can rally a few friends for some new england adventures:

 Deep, colorful roots


Melissa & Luisa!

View from the top of a huge rock hill we tackled... & our picnic location

hello, new haven

Squiggly trees! We hiked for about 3 hours, and it was absolute perfection. I loved being outside, in the (relative) quiet, and with friends. Sleeping Giant State Park is about an hour away, just past New there are closer state parks I plan on getting to for the next few weekends as the leaves change.
a sea of greens and yellows

"If you can see your path laid out in front of you, step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path." ~ Joseph Campbell

castle at the top of sleeping giant

...we finally made it back to the car & then headed back into New Haven for some delicious pizza & a walk around Yale! I ordered the White Clam Pizza, and as strange it sounds, it was SO good. I'm learning to take more chances with seafood out here, and it's been worth it so far :)


Monday, October 8, 2012


i know this is a blog about new england & connecticut
but Papa was part of my life wherever i was
i miss you already

there is a storypeople quote that especially reminds me of you

"He had the gift
of stopping time
& listening well
so that it was easy
to hear who
we could become

& that was the future
he held safe
for each of us
in his great heart

you may ask, what now?
& I hope you understand
when we speak softly
among ourselves
& do not answer
just yet

for our future
is no longer the same
without him"

you supported me in every way, and i hope you're in a place where you can watch me grow into the person you inspired me to become


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


i went to nyc this weekend, to meet up with a few friends & enjoy the city life. it was pretty fun, and great to see my friends...but in the midst of the visit i realized that what i love most about where i live is not the proximity to new york city, but to new england. so bring on some hiking this weekend & maybe a seaside town! then boston, providence, mystic, new haven...time to go north.

well...north after my trip to D.C. next weekend  :)